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About us

What We Do

CUI PRODEST LLC is a niche consulting firm that provides informed, actionable guidance on “best fit” solutions to thorny and difficult challenges. We believe aid and private sector investments are most effective in countries that promise good governance, economic empowerment and building the capacity of all its people. 

Since 2004, we have worked in Africa, Asia, Central Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Pacific Islands delivering results in non-permissive environments, conflict, and post-conflict states affected by political fragility, humanitarian crises, and violent extremism. We help clients with effective strategic planning based on data-generated evidence to guide organizations and firms towards achieving desired outcomes. We provide informed monitoring and evaluation services and political economy analyses that invite innovation and learning. 

Cui Prodest senior technical advisors and consultants are different. We have written the case studies and shared lessons learned in newly democratizing environments and both succeeded and failed at bringing citizens into and closer to the political process.  In our work with USAID, MCC, US State Department, World Bank, UKAid, and UN agencies, we always ask why some interventions work or why not?  Across the spectrum, we know first-hand what it takes to transform fragile countries into stable societies and transition to middle-income countries.  

Cui Prodest does not offer standard off-the-shelf solutions.  Our personal experiences define our technical approach to development and economic challenges.  We recognize that politics and institutions matter to programs and country relationships and that no intervention is purely technical.  We help clients make sense of decision-making dynamics among partners, organizations and institutions in key sectors.  Our team works alongside donor partners, government agencies, community and business leaders to find viable paths forward in complex and difficult scenarios

Cui Prodest offers strategic planning, performance monitoring, comprehensive evaluations, political economy analysis, due diligence support, applied research, collaborative learning, and purposeful integration of gender, youth and marginalized populations into all programming. 

Areas of Expertise:  Public Finance Management (PFM), Governance and Accountability, Anti-corruption, Rule of Law, Civil Society, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security, Water and Sanitation, Power and Energy, Education, Gender and Youth, Organizational Analysis and Change Management.

Cui Prodest LLC is a woman-owned small business located in Washington, DC.

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